PHIX demonstrates advanced hybrid integration of an optical isolator for the lithium niobate PIC platform

Photonic integrATed circuiTs using advancEd hybRid iNtegration

PHIX demonstrates advanced hybrid integration of an optical isolator for the lithium niobate PIC platform


One of the goals of the Horizon Europe PATTERN research project is to develop new building blocks for the lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) PIC platform. One such highly desired building block is an optical isolator, which can be thought of as the optical equivalent of an electronic diode. It allows light to propagate through it in one direction, while blocking its transmission in the other. This optical function is crucial for eliminating back reflections, for example when used in combination with external cavity lasers. Enhancing the performance of these chip-based lasers benefits a wide range of applications in the domain of integrated photonics, such as LiDAR, telecommunication, and metrology

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